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22 Hilarious Comics Show What It’s Like To Be A Modern Mom


22 Hilarious Comics Show What It’s Like To Be A Modern Mom

It’s not easy to parent, especially with so many judging eyes around us!

The 21st century is such a modern time compared to the past. People are no longer tied to gender norms and stereotypes, giving modern moms the liberty to parent how they see fit. Inna Sacali is one of those modern moms who also took a job as an architect and artist.

Inna is from Moldova, a small Eastern European country next to Romania and Ukraine. She loves illustrating and has been enjoying her time parenting with her baby boy! She likes taking ideas from her parenting journey and creating illustrations that many modern moms worldwide relate so much to.

More info: Instagram


22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Why is the baby crying?

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Morning Vs evening breast!

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Finding power source.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Did you know that the very first parenting steps, which are conceiving and giving birth to a baby, are considered dangerous before modern medicine? It was common that midwives help with childbirth, as parents rely on their experience and traditional knowledge. Yet, no matter how experienced, these midwives did not understand what pus was or how to make sure that a woman’s womb is immaculate before leaving her to recover post-partum.

An over-protective parent.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Jump scare.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

They grow up so fast!

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Baby’s first words!

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom


22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Motherhood: how to social media.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Keeping the baby out of the cold floor.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Yes, I’m getting the hang of this… I think.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Doctors could not understand how some women would experience feverish and painful symptoms post-partum, accepting it as part of their life cycle. Even after the invention of compound microscopes, doctors would blame these on mists, poor ventilation, and vague factors. During the 18th century, it was as if midwives were delivering these women, not the baby, from childbirth suffering.

Sleeps like a baby.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

I’m going to need… everything.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Precious moments.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Temptation of a mother.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Mom’s evolution.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

No time to wait.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

The power of granny.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

When your baby and the clothes are too cute.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Baby’s curiosity.

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

Hygiene did not improve until the end of the 19th century when doctors finally come around their high horses as ‘gentlemen’ to wash hands. The maternity department’s mortality rate was ten times that of those done by midwives in the comfort and hygiene are of the women’s houses. Doctors finally washed their hands and reduced the mortality rate!

Nothing’s really changed, eh?

22 Hilarious Comics Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Mom

We may have been taking this knowledge and facilities for granted. There was a time when the journey to becoming a mother was not just tiring but possibly lethal. Now, we can enjoy parenting moments without fearing for our life, so enjoy it to the best you can! The children will grow up before you even realize it.

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