21 Restaurants That Took Food Serving To The Whole New Level
Because spoons and forks are outdated.
Businesses want to be unique and stand out from others. It has gotten to the point that they are willing to come up with radical ideas to serve their food. Crepes in glasses and massed potatoes having baths… does it get weirder?
Well, apparently, yes, it does. We have to say that they get 10/10 for attempting something different. But most customers might prefer if you actually prioritize the taste of the food and stick to basic presentation and eating methods… such as the spoons and forks. And a glass of coffee, please.
“Yes, I would like your “mini corn dogs on a ceramic decorative pillow” please.”

“I did not mind the lack of plates with delicious croquettes.”

“Potato soup in a pot of parsley (you can see the straw if you look closely).”

“Maybe it’s flowers?”

“Little bite size appetizer served on a box of uncooked potatoes.”

“Just a burger in a truck.”

“Beignets growing on a tree.”

“The Churro Shoe.”

“Cocktail Bathtub Complete with Rubber Ducky.”

“The sauce was dripping from the holes.”

“My mash wanted a bath, I guess.”

“Hello and welcome, [plops down shelf] I shall be your sandwich and pastry librarian for the evening.”

“What’s the best way to tackle this meal? Seafood special served in a vintage tackle box.”

“Eggcelent fried bitterballen.”

“My son’s grilled cheese came in a doggy bowl.”

“Tacos without platos?!”

“Food served in shoe boxes. Friend sent me his experience.”

“Soup in a shell…”

“Browsing through my old photos and found this… chips in a pine cone!”

“Not even sure how to drink out of this thing? Maybe a straw?”

“Sushi place that serves the sushi on a person”