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20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About


20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Living today is so much more convenient, huh.

Did it sink into you that you’re not a teenager who loves partying during summer anymore? Yeah, we are so old that most of us are married with kids, watching our kids grow up and have their own life. We are so old that the new generations have a slew of questions that only our teen-self could answer.

From old VHS tapes to watching movies with unskippable ads, what was the thing that made you feel so old when someone younger asked you about it?

Cable TV facts.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Confusing younger generations.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About
20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

In 1955, people couldn’t fit in a whole system as compact as this.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Yep. Soap.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Feeling super old when you have to explain about an old public facility.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

There’s a whole generation of them, in fact.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Nothing like 3D-printing a diskette.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Let me tell you the day we found our emo soul.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

*Tries scrolling by touching the screen.*

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Remember buying physical copies of movies?

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

The origin of some English words.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

When you say, “Roll your window down, please.”

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Woah, the numbers didn’t give it out?

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

People think we’ve had everything for free.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Internet wasn’t invented overnight to 4G.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Pager, a lot of medical staff still rely on this!

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

MySpace is what you’re asking for.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Never seen this guy before?

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Now that the kid mentioned it…

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

Very close.

20 Things We Grew Up With But Kids These Days Have No Idea About

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