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20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It


20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Such a beautiful time.

Time changes so fast. We hear it a lot from our parents, how we used to be kids, and would play out with friends until the sun was setting down. Now, we’re grown-up adults, each staring down at our smartphone, the one gadget that has to replace many things. Life has become so much more convenient than back then.

Yet, we still feel a strong nostalgic feeling as we looked through the things we used to do. For the last time we did each of these, we forgot how that could be the last time for us. And now, you’re sad.

We logged into MySpace for the last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Remember Creme Savers?

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

The last CD your burned.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Literally rolled down the window one last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Watched a VHS tape one last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Rewinding a VHS tape the last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Printing directions with Mapquest.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Using a pencil to roll your cassette back for the last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Went to the Blockbuster one last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Sitting and having fun on that spot with your friends for the last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Nobody knew it.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Downloaded a song for the last time on.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

One handed texting on a T9.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Listened to new music at the store with their headphones for the final time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Chatted on AOL for one last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

That prize you got? It turns out to be the last one for you.

Looking up movie schedules on newspaper.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

Got a brand new CD and tore off its packaging for the last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

The last partially used battery you stole for your GameBoy.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

We picked up our telephone one last time.

20 Things Millennial Kids Did For The Last Time And Nobody Knew It

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