20 People Who Witnessed The Fastest They’ve Seen Someone Get Fired
How to get fired in the fastest way.
It’s rare to see people mess up so badly that they get fired within minutes. But these people managed to do just that. As it’s become so hard to keep a job during this pandemic, people are doing all they can to hang on. These people couldn’t help but remember stories of when their co-workers get fired faster than letting the ink on their form dry.
People shared their stories under the Reddit question, “What is the fastest you have ever seen a new co-worker get fired?” And the answers show some really shocking instances of when a single blunder or simply horrible lifestyle can really get you kicked out of a job real quick.
“Guy got hired. While going through orientation realized that his ex-gf worked there too, turned around and walked right out the front door.” – Thetechguru_net

“I work construction. We had 2 new hires that were friends starting the same day. Boss told one take a coffee order and come back. Took everyone’s money and said he needed his friend to go with him cause it was a big order. They never came back.” – Dendad1218
“A man was hired to do stock at a tea store that sold lots of delicate Chinese porcelains. Manager walked into the back on his like the third day and saw him just throwing boxes of teacups and teapots. Instantly fired.” – Obsolescencee

“First day of work, he walks in, says “what the f**k is up dum***s” to the guy that parked next to (didn’t touch) his new Camaro he bought since he got hired. The guy was the CEO of the company I used to work for, on a visit to our branch. Literally ten minutes into his shift he was signing release papers.” – NinthReever
“As a teenager, I worked at a bowling alley. Within an hour, a new girl was fired on the spot for dropping a ball on the foot of a complaining patron.” – jeff_the_nurse
“This was just a summer job at a fast-food place. We had a new girl start and within two days it was apparent she was an idiot and everyone knew that. You could already see the manager questioning his decision. Then on her third day of work, she said she couldn’t come in because her mom was in a car accident and in the hospital. Turns out that’s an easy thing to disprove in a relatively small town.” – Hickspy

“Guy showed up to work on his first day with the smell of alcohol on his breath. (7 am) when questioned he admitted to taking a couple swigs on the ways in to calm his first-day nerves. Yeah, fired on the spot. Worked here less than 20 minutes.” – swix32

“A week. I worked in a bar and a new girl started. At work, she seemed a little rough but was fine.
One day she finished a shift, sat at the bar, and ordered red wine with lemonade and ice in it (not really relevant to the story; just shows she is clearly insane). Her boyfriend came in, they had a huge domestic in front of my manager and several customers and she threw her drink over her bf and dramatically stormed out.” – lejolipamlemouse
“This guy hadn’t even started yet and just had his introductory email sent out to the whole company which ended with incredibly explicit details about himself. He got fired before he even started.” – HerrMilkmann
“Day one, he hit a parked car in the parking lot, with the person still inside. When he was confronted he lost his mind and even used threats. The man he hit walked up to security and said, “Don’t let that man into my building. People like that don’t work for me.”
He hit the director’s Porsche.” – AreYouOkayAnni

“3 hours into the first shift. Guy lost it serving an annoying customer in a grocery shop, throw a cabbage at her. The manager came and told him to go home cause he finished there. He wasn’t surprised. I was standing next to him; it was an entertaining day.” – Revolutionary_Oil897
“Heard this from a manager I worked with when I worked in fast food. There was this one kid who didn’t show up for work. He ditched work often, so the manager called around, couldn’t get anyone to fill in his shift, so she had to fill it for him. A few hours into his shift, the dude ditching SHOWS UP, with his friends, and orders food from that manager. She fired him on the spot.” – ArtPerfect7076

“I can tell you about a time I fired someone within 5 minutes. Guy was a rehire in the restaurant. Had a baaaaad drinking problem. As in, got put into a hospice because he was dying. Of course, he had to stop drinking so he got better. Went to detox and rehab and I heard he cleaned up. Second chances, right?
I hired him back and on his first day within the first 5 minutes, I could tell this guy was obliterated drunk. Fired him again.” – porkchop2022
“Guy had been working a few days at a barn. Decided to smoke right by bales of hay. Manager saw him and fired him right on the spot. At farms, you don’t f**k around with fire.” – The_Tell_Tale_Heart

“5 days. My boss hired an “Executive Chef.” Dude didn’t even know how to make a quesadilla…” – jbiggs107
“We had a recent college grad that would use his corporate card for personal purchases. He figured that the company would just keep deducting from his payroll until it was paid off. He was fired after three months of constant reminders to stop doing it. I don’t think it qualifies as the fastest, because he lasted three months, but it was so idiotic.” – CBus-Eagle

“Moving company, midwest. Most people didn’t make it through the first week, they will hire literally anyone who can pass a drug test. Turnover was really bad but I guess that’s the nature of the job. I’ll never forget Jeremy.
Jeremy was 18, did not apply for colleges, so his parents made him get a job. He was hired as a mover, as is everyone. He shows up the first day to roll-call in a full suit and tie asking where his desk is. This was a group full of former convicts, high school dropouts, and generally rough dudes trying to make a living. We laughed so hard. Jeremy went right back home. Next day, Jeremy’s mom shows up to give the manager a piece of her mind. We laughed even harder.” – MoshedPotatoes

“About 35 minutes. I hired a guy to work for me as a quality inspector for merchandise headed to Walmart & Target. He bragged about everything he stole from his last job during training and how they paid him more than I did. Well, I’m not holding him back from all that money, so I had some big guys escort him off the property.” – Ed_Rock
“A 19-year-old kid got hired to work the seafood counter. See him twice and then never again. Asked a coworker what happened. He had closed seafood one night and was walking out of the store and the 5 pounds of crab legs he’d stuffed down the back of his pants fell out in front of the closing manager.” – wanderin_fool

“Before their first day of orientation. I got hired for a manufacturing job through Manpower (a temp agency). Me and a friend of my wife were both supposed to start on Monday at the plant for a week-long orientation.
She got into a fender bender on her way to orientation and called them to say that she’d be a bit late, that she just needed to wait on the police to give a statement. The manager told her not to bother ever coming in. Girl was torn up. She took pictures and the police report to the hiring manager, tried to explain things to the company HR managers, but no dice. She was fired before ever clocking in.” – DifficultMinute