20+ People Who Try Very Hard To Be Badass But Turns Out Very Cringey
These are totally hilarious!
Obviously, some people don’t know what being a real tough guy is. Do you see my jacket? Do you read that ‘100m or I’ll shoot’? Yeah, then don’t come close.
At least that’s how some people may have tried to look tough. Aside from the fact that they may have been part of the armed forces, it’s pretty concerning to see how some people don’t know when NOT to flex their ‘toughness’. There are ways and times to make your point clear, to instill fear in your enemies.
Those who tried a little too hard comes out as cringey and now, they find a place in Reddit under r/iamverybadass. We just want to warn you: be ready for some real cringey posts with occasional grammar mistakes.
1. A very badass man reveals he conceals a carry.

2. His daughter took a laptop home from school to message a boy. So he decides to shoot the laptop that wasn’t even his property.

3. Real man dies from skin cancer.

4. Someone is heading to the judge with this commentary.

5. “My friend and his wife are going through a mutual divorce, her new boyfriend is wasting no time asserting dominance.”
6. “Fourteen-year-old kid cries after getting shot at, what a wimp.”

7. He’s gonna Naruto Run to ya.

8. “Left-handed, right-handed, and back-handed gun.”

9. “Stay back 100 meters or you will be shot.”

10. “My friend’s unnecessarily hostile thermometer in the backyard patio.”

11. Badass 14-year-old.

12. “My legs are 18 inches around”

13. Must have been annoyed with a messed spaghetti before.

14. “When you are in an aviation unit and post a badass pic to your IG, your unit makes it a poster and hangs on the wall.”

15. This is your first warning. I will key your car and slash all your tires.

16. “Kiss my girl. Go home.”

17. Demens.

18. Almost always within reach.
19. “Co workers boyfriends profile pic. (UK so that’s 100% a BB gun)”

20. Whoever wants to disturb a man having peanut butter with egg is insane.

21. “Accidentally added the wrong guy on Facebook. Guess I’m a coward now.”
22. Can’t tell them ‘appart’.