20 People Share Pics Of Their Cats With Funny Haircuts After A Vet Visit
Cats hate the vets. They have awful haircut tastes!
Cats are such beautiful creatures with their fluffy fur that looks so warm and soft (no offense to the Sphynx cats, you are cool, too). They need their fur to help regulate warmth, but when procedures need to be done on them, vets have to shave them off. Or maybe their coat had matted so bad or the summer had been really horrible on them.
All is well for the cat now, except that they look less elegance with bare skin showing in weird places. But there are also some who look like they are wearing boots or crop tops! It’s a loss for some, but gains for others.
Kitty chilling and high from pain killers, a real champ with proud war scar.

This cat manages to save at least some boots.

Cat needs fur back ASAP.

Meanwhile, this cat with shaved tail.
Boy looks really cool in that!

This cat doesn’t look so bright indeed.

A royal cat with boots.

Looks like a cow to me, sure that’s a cat?

Kitty with removed lump and 2 ribs, hair protecting the important parts.

Got a cool haircut last night. You can’t be as cool as me!

This 16-year-old cat looking tough post tooth removal surgery.

Nugget’s fur is finally growing back after a few months.

Cat with shorts.

Apollo made it after 3-tough-weeks of tonsillitis. The beast with a proud haircut.

How to explain the cuteness level of this?

This boy lost his pants after a surgery.

Fluffy white fur coming back!

They look awesome in those outfits!

Rat boy cooling down from summer heat.

Not the most flattering haircut. A chonk confirmed.