20 Most Toxic Things Kids Have Ever Heard From Their Parents
Some things that really should’ve never been said.
Parents are supposed to be children’s safest zone. They are the first adults that provide shelter, love, and care that every child needs and deserves. But what happens when these same people instead became the ones that hurl hurtful words and comments to their own flesh and blood? It wasn’t like those kids forced themselves on parents – it was their responsibility, to begin with.

The pain of hearing negative comments from people you naturally trust in is incomparable. It was as if a wound was seared somewhere in you and it’ll always leave a mark there. Even far down the road, decades after those words were said, you don’t really forget them.
Obligatory trigger warning because these people really say some hurtful words that should’ve never been said.

“I’m tired of pretending to love you.” – RiddlingVenus0

“I am going to kill myself and it’s your fault.” – Bionic_Ferir
“Talk sh** about the other parent then compare you to them with ‘You’re just like your father!’” – nbryan88
“I wish you were never born.” or “Life would be better without you. You are the reason for our misery.” – AmunPharaoh, Celovec197408
“When I was 11, I overheard my mother telling someone that at least my looks meant she didn’t have to worry about me being molested or raped. That f***ed me up for years.” – M_Ad

“‘So you’re saying that I’m a bad parent’ in response to any form of help-seeking of constructive criticism was the worst for me.” – Derpchieftain
“My parents said I should’ve known who won all the world cups, the capital city of each country, all meanwhile they kept telling me to shut up whenever I ask questions. The whole time I was in school I tried my hardest to be the smartest person in the room, and till now I don’t believe it when friends tell me I’m smart.” – studyinpink8
“‘Your uncle wouldn’t mess with you if you didn’t walk around the house like a sl**.’ Not told to me, but a childhood friend. Her uncle was arrested a few years after that but the thing that hurt her the worst is that her mother assumed it was her fault.” – Fhtagnyatta

“This actually happened to my cousin. Her father committed suicide when she was 8. From then on her mother became an alcoholic. After losing custody of her kids, she was eventually granted the ability to see her kids unsupervised which did not pan out. The kids spent the weekend with her but pretty soon she started drinking very heavily.
My cousin told her she would have to tell another adult that she was drinking and the mom started calling her all sorts of terrible names so my cousin ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. I swear to god the mom actually said to her own 15-year-old daughter: when the police ask you why both your parents are dead, you’ll know what to tell them. I’m going to kill myself just like your father did and both will be your fault. My cousin is so sweet, funny, and pretty and she’s one of my favorite people on the planet. She is so kind and she got dealt a sh**ty hand.” – mexicanjumpbeanybaby
“My drunken father once told me, “You’ll never be the man that I am.” I remember thinking, “You’re damn right I won’t be.” – p38-lightning
“You’re the reason why your dad and I almost divorced.” – 3_angels

“‘I wish you’d commit suicide.’ My dad.” – cracksoldier2
“Constantly comparing you with your older siblings, and extremely different treatment. It makes you feel inferior to them and like no matter how much you try or do, it will never be enough.” – mo95z
“‘I don’t believe you.’: When the school told her I’d been sexually assaulted.” – littlevivid
“I kicked your mom out and I can kick you out as well.” – Mandrake_m2

“I wish you were the one who died not your father.” – SchrecklichXy
“‘We’re moving and you’re not welcome’ said my dad while blackout drunk, after he took my sister’s pizza that I made, ate it in front of me, and then threw the pizza at me after I asked him why the f**k he’s like that and walked away. We were supposed to be moving to a new place the next couple weeks after this fight.” – LiaLovesCookies
“My mom likes to remind me every so often that my dad never wanted kids, and he told her that if she wanted them, she would have to quit working and stay home to raise them. So two-in-one: my dad didn’t actually want me, and I ruined the career my mom loved. What pisses me off more is she didn’t start telling me this until after my dad developed early-onset dementia, so he couldn’t even back up or refute the claims—just her bitter word.
I’m in my 30’s now and try to be civil with my mom since she and my brother are the only families I have left, but these kind of passively f**ked up comments are why I moved hundreds of miles away as soon as I could.” – PorkchopSquats

“Okay. Over and over again for years and years. Any accomplishment any trial passed any challenge won.
Just ‘okay.'” – Evergladeleaf
“If you’re so depressed why aren’t you cutting? – Cut deeper and kill yourself.” – angelhiyori