20 Extraordinary Finds People Made At Thrift Stores
Thrift stores are havens that everyone loves. There’s nothing like hitting one up on a quiet afternoon and sifting through junk to see what you can find. With only a few bucks, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Tucked away between kitschy knick-knacks are some of the best and most beautiful items. Users at a Facebook group called ‘Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared’ know this feeling way too well. While most of us will never be quite that lucky, we can still find some amazing things at thrift stores.
Here we present a list of unexpected items they found while browsing through thrift store shelves.
#1 “Piece of Ceramic Truth From The Salvation Army”

#2 “I’m glad Too. Lol. I went Back And Bought It.”

#3 “A Vampire hunting Kit I Found in Anchorage AK”

#4 A Mug Every English Major Would Want

#5 “Sort Of Humor That Always Gets Me”

#6 “I bought It For £150 Plus delivery !!!”

#7 This ‘Golffball and Appliances’ Thingy Is A White Cross Vibrator. It was used to help treat “hysteria”

#8 If your Latin is rusty, it says “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream”

#9 “A “cowch.” Found at the Benton Trading Post in Maine.”

#10 “Found A Bunch Of Old Family photos Dating Back To ’95 At A Thrift Store, Thanks To Social Media, I was Able To Reunite Them With It’s Owners.”

#11 “Mum bought Me This Bunny Mug When I was 9. Didn’t Realise Until Years Later That it’s Just A Bunch Of Rabbits Having An Orgy. “

#12 Interesting Read

Riley Pemberton
#13 “Fibre glass and corrugated iron giant mushroom goat house For $25! Bargain! “

#14 “Found This Shirt At My local Goodwill.”

#15 Worlds Greatest Tissue Dispenser?

#16 I Found The Ad For My Vintage Bracelet In A 1972 Margazine. I was reading WHILE WEARING IT.

#17 Thought This Was A Palm Reading Guide until I read it Edit: This Is In Caloundra, QLD, Australia”

#18 “If they were only my size”

#19 This Creepy-ass Nun Is Helen Gardner. She Was The First Actor (male or female) To Start Her Own Film Production Company.

#20 “Ironically I Found This On National Pet Day.”