Have you ever said a stupid thing that just wished that you had just shut up at that very moment? With lockdown in place, a lot of us can really use some stupid things people say for a good laugh now, don’t you agree?
So, We have decided to show you 20 of the funniest and stupidest things we came across on the Internet.
1. Sorry, what?
2. When you’re surrounded with dyslexics…
3. I don’t even know what to say about this…
4. Wait till my urine is gray…
5. Yes, yes, a very bad comedian.
6. 100.4 Fraternity?
7. And passports, too.
8. Well, nice to know what you like to do in your spare time.
9. That ain’t how pregnancy works, ma’am.
10. “Does anyone celebrate my birthday in their own home?”
11. Baby shark with whiskers, yep.
12. Is this enough ground for divorce?
13. Who needs medical experience.
14. I’m neither, but let’s give them a choice. Oh, wait…