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18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain


18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

Huh, wait… HUH?!

They told you they are xx years old and your eyes bulge because… you had made the huge mistake of judging someone based on their appearance. Welp, there’s really no help there because ‘common sense’ is something our brain depends on. If not, then we will have to question every single person unable to form our own understanding just based on how they look.

And here is a list of people whose appearance surprisingly did not fit their actual age at all—youthful people like Jennifer Lopez or those who just happen to have mature faces. Scroll on and see if you could get their age right based on their appearance alone!

“My grandmother in 1935 when she was 14 years old. She was once the fastest typist (on a typewriter) in the state of Utah. When she was 90, I recorded a video of her dancing to Party Rock Anthem, which went viral in 2012. What a life.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“This photo was taken about a week before my 14th birthday.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“23-year-old convicted for murder.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“My dad looked like a pre-midlife crisis businessman… when he was 17.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Me, 14, looking like a 40-year-old Russian housewife named Valenka.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“My sister is 22 going on 12.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Matronly 40-year-old Korean librarian? Nope! Just me, a 12-year old boy.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“12 y/o me in my family photo. I look like a 35 y/o secretary who makes the best Christmas cookies at work.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Me at age 16.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Just turned 38. No one ever believes me. Do I deserve to be here?”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Me at 13 looking like a 30-year-old single mom who loves boxed wine and MLMs.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“My dad started balding at around 17.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“It’s me, I am 18.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“That girl is not 13. That girl is actually me, with my youngest son. We both were feeling crappy. I am regularly carded for things like grill lighters and mature-rated video games. I am 31.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“People tell me I belong on this sub.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Me at 11 rocking the granny sweater.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“My close friend sent me a picture of himself at the age of 10, and I thought it may have been his mother…”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

“Me at 14 looking 40.”

18 People Whose Real Age Will Puzzle Your Brain

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