18 People Who Shared The Results From Letting Their Hair Grow Long
Such beautiful long hair of all kinds!
It is not easy to have long, silky, beautiful hair. Genetics play a huge part in our natural crown’s looks – some are very thick and curly, some look very soft and ashy. Whichever it is, though, if you take good care of it, your hair will look absolutely amazing and beautiful.
These people decided just to let their hair grow and go. When it reached a length, they are proud of, and they shared on the subreddit ‘Long Hair’ to show-off how pretty their hair is now. But did you know also know that complexion on appearance can have something to do with long hair?
“Shaved my head 2.5 years ago, now it won’t stop growing!”

“My absolute favorite photo of my hair!”

“Donated ~15 inches today. See y’all in a couple of years.”

Some of you may have guessed that it’s anemia. Yes, you’re right! Anemia, or blood deficiency, can cause hair loss mainly because our hair is made up of blood. According to The American Academy of Dermatology, it takes up nutrients and grows about 6 inches in a year. This is why you can have a DNA test on hair because blood flows consistently to provide every strand of your hair with nutrients. The longer it is, the more it needs to look healthy and grow.
“So, at 48 I decided to start growing my hair out… it’s getting there, I think.”

“3 years of hair growth! In the picture on the left, my hair was straightened, picture and on the right is my hair is natural.”

“Didn’t think I’d make it half this far, but two years later.”

“Today marks my three year anniversary.”

“I’ve reached classic length!”

“My hair has been feeling extra nice recently.”

“I didn’t think that having long hair would make me look so much different!”

Don’t be surprised to know that your hair can be solid – as strong copper wires if they can be stretched to the same diameter! Hairs are made of keratin, a similar substance (with a slight difference in components) as your nails. Frédéric Leroy of L’Oréal Research from National History Museum compares hair to bulletproof vests and Kevlar.
“In August this year it will have been eight years since my last hair cut. Used to have to get if cut for school, last hair cut was in 2012 when I was in Year 12.”

“Tousled dark brown hair with natural highlights, finally reached my dream length.”

“My hair, all fuzzy and wavy after undoing my braid this morning.”

“My hair had finally grown all the way out to where it was before I got very unhealthy, and it started falling out.”

“I finally have mine down to the middle of my back. I just took this a minute ago and thought my hair looked really nice!”

“Today a coworker asked me for hair advice and it felt good.”

Have you thought of donating your hair? After you grow your healthy hair long, they can be donated to people struggling from the emotional pressure of losing their hair from chemotherapy! The simple act of sending a lock of your beautiful hair can mean the whole world to some people!
“One day I decided not to comb out my twists. 10 years later…”

“5 years after the pixie cut!”

Whether it’s curly or straight, dark black or ashy gray, all healthy hair is beautiful hair. They can also be a sign of your health, often falling out when your body struggles with nutrient-deficiencies and growing back with a luminous sign when you’re eating healthily.