Some people get tattoos because they look cool. Some take one to embody their personalities or hobbies. Others may have stories to tell through their tattoos. Stories that they wish to immortalize on their body in the form of a symbolic drawing.
These are tattoos with such stories, and they may not look exceptionally picturesque or complicated. But these tattoos are beautiful the way they are, just like old cups from time periods of the past contain stories of old that we’ve yet to uncover!
“Finally got to do something creative with my ugly shoulder scar. Shoulder dislocated more times than I could count but originally it was from MMA and lifting.”
“After nearly 3 years together, my boyfriend and I decided to end the relationship. But not before getting matching tattoos to celebrate our journey together.”
“I’ve been obsessed with LOTR for most of my life. The tattoo traces the part of the trail that Frodo and Aragorn travel together (Bree to Amon Hen). My boyfriend and I were very much in love when I survived a violent attack that almost ended my life – let’s call that Weathertop.
After that, he became my guide and protector. He supported me physically, emotionally, and financially. He gave more than I thought possible for another person to give. Like Frodo and Aragorn, it was eventually time to go our separate ways. Not because we stopped loving each other, but because we both had different paths to walk.
I’m so happy I got to experience such deep love, even if that meant a painful end. On to the next chapter.”
“Just defended my PhD studying antibodies and thought I should celebrate with a little antibody tattoo of my own.”
“Got an amazing cover up of my 20-year-old cherry tattoo. My best friend passed away recently, and she called me feather, so it means the absolute world to me.”
“A complete stranger and I got tattoos of each others face. I wanted to do an experiment to see if this would be possible to get someone to do this with me, and see if I could make a genuine friendship out of the experience!”
“I am from Canada, and someone from New Zealand reached out to me asking if they can get a color realism tattoo of one of the cross foxes I’ve photographed. Here is the result.”