15 Times People See Homeless Suffers More And More
This is not how you ‘fight’ homelessness.
Have you seen weird structures seemingly placed in close proximity for no reason? Or how there are mini hand-rests on benches that don’t really do anything? A lot of these structures first came out to prevent skateboarders from scraping on their walls, stairs, in areas where high traffic happens.
But now, they are extending into dangerous areas just so homeless people won’t sit or sleep there. Nobody wants to have random strangers sleeping on their doorway, but these are not the solutions. We hope this list can bring up a discussion that helps find these people more than a home – a better life. Whenever we can, extend a small helping hand to those in need!
Originally said this was to include wheel-chaired people… because they lack places to sit, right?

Anti-homeless “device” on warm ventilation grate. Paris.

Shops in London.

Inclusive, unless you’re homeless.

Give this man a shelter, quick!

The irony is real.

Mumbai’s homeless number is skyrocketing and this is their solution.

Inclusive, anti-homeless rock.

Man removes these anti-homeless handles, gets dragged to court.

How can you purposely go around and slashing people’s property?

Rounds won’t stab you, but same purpose.

These obelisks are ‘work of art’ in a private site of Paris.

An obvious anti homeless structure.

They think these bars would work. Feels more like bed now!

Modern solutions…?

Meanwhile, the benches in Volgodonsk, Russia.

Not even allowed under the bridge…?

They’re willing to install weird architecture instead.