14 Clueless Parents Whose Kids Got A Good Laugh Out Of Them From
Sometimes, they have problems catching up with time.
The older generations tend to have problems catching up with time as it changes rapidly. From technology to culture and what’s deemed as acceptable, kids are truly having fun seeing their parents struggle with what’s trending!
But our parents are still amazing people who fed and took care of us our whole life. Missing out on a thing or two won’t hurt anyone and definitely show that no matter how old you get, there’s always something new to learn.
On using emojis.

Dad and VR.
Her new flower pot.

Dad played himself!

Mom wants it on Facebook.

Clueless mom who took this picture.

Dad can’t spell.

Mom saw Zendaya… from ’13 Reasons Why’.
“Your mom is sitting in a pile of weed crumbs.”

Mom doesn’t know what pot leaves look like.

Mom on forgetting faces.

Dad and his panoramic skills.

Mom couldn’t remember what her dog looks like.

Mom and glass work.