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13 People’s Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On


13 People’s Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On

They almost best the actual comment. Almost.

Who else here stores a ton of memes just waiting for the right moment to be pulled out? Not everyone has the privilege of being early at a viral post and make a strong comment that outshines them. It takes a great sense of humor, wit, and, well, luck. Some people are really amazing at making remarks that make us giggle uncontrollably.

Here are 13 of the best comments out of the blue that we found on the Internet. We love how these people have such a hilarious perspective on things.


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Deathman / pikabu  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© ASB100 / pikabu  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Megerra / twitter  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Deathman / pikabu  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© YaroslavLada123 / pikabu  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© duma.dima / pikabu  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Scienceg / telegram  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Radish00 / reddit  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Radish00 / reddit  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© DontPUSH / pikabu  


13 People's Unexpected Responses That Are Hilariously Spot On
© Mafeychik / pikabu  

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