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Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat


Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat

The new biz is booming.

Steph Matto is back in the online selling business after a full health recovery. She had been hospitalized due to the diet she had followed when selling her farts in jars. Following her discharge, the Connecticut, US-based, announced her retirement and has now turned to selling her sweat. 

Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat
Jam Press

If the sun is shining, Matto claims she can fill ten bottles of sweat jars in one day, which are sold at $500 a pop. 

Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat

“I love sitting by the pool but it’s also hard work, don’t be fooled. I also have a great set [of breasts]. And smelling the sweat, licking the sweat, would bring fans as close as they can get to them. Sometimes it can be varying how long it takes to fill up a jar as it depends on several scientific factors, mainly the heat, movement and how hydrated I am,” Matto told Jam Press.

Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat
@stepankamatto It was the best of times, it was the best of times. #FrunktheBeat #LENOVOJUSTBEYOU #10MillionAdoptions ♬ Not me starting a TikTok trend purrrrr – Preston is over party💕

She added she drinks a lot of water and sits as much in direct sunlight as possible. 

She continued: “I like to call myself the human maple tree, and the b**b sweat my sap – I sit there and collect my sap the same way a maple tree does.” Yet again, this business comes with some risks, as sitting in the sun for too long is certainly not good for a person’s health. But Matto has revealed she’s taking precautions as safely as possible with a proper SPF moisturizer and have learned that a simple SPF 30 won’t be that effective since she did burn her chest quite severely.

Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat

Matto insisted: “With b**b sweat, I want to do things right. I want to be smart, start off slow and have sustainable growth that doesn’t overwhelm my body.” 

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As she announced the new venture, some of her followers didn’t hesitate to air their opinions. One person said: “Get that money but also try a sauna, so you don’t croak from heatstroke.” Another said: “I am surprised this girl isn’t selling organs.” While a third expressed: “The Elon Musk of body byproducts.” 

When she was selling farts, the influencer opted for a fiber-high diet, living off beans and eggs, which led to her experiencing chest pains caused by excess gas.

Woman Who Sold Her Farts In Jars Now Earns $5k A Day Selling B**b Sweat

It must have been quite challenging for Matto, as she, at the time, rake in up to $1000 per fart jar. The 31-Year-Old, who appeared on 90 Day Fiancé, had even claimed that putting a jar together for fans takes her just 15 minutes, spending up to four hours a day lounging by her garden pool to get the desired result perspiration levels. 

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