Woman Shares Her Story Of Getting Her Lump Checked In Iceland And Compared It To US Healthcare
Healthcare should be affordable and accessible.
For a country that declares itself as world’s first superpower, citizens of USA often share horror stories of their healthcare system and medical bills. From falling into bankruptcy to wearing bracelets that stop people from calling the ambulance if anything happens to you, people are screaming for their rights to receive proper healthcare.
Puppeteer Mary Robinette Kowal was in Iceland to work with a children’s television show, ‘Lazytown’. While she was there, she found a lump and wanted to get it checked asap, but wasn’t sure of the process.
She shares that her family has no history of breast cancer, but you can never be too careful in case this becomes a big problem. So, she went to talk to the production manager to find for information.
She didn’t forget to include additional information.
People are absolutely blown away and dreams to have this in their own home country.
A person shares her contrasting story of dealing with healthcare.
More people share their stories on dealing with healthcare from the US and everywhere else.
The morale of the story is simple: make healthcare affordable to people because it’s their rights. Your life should never be one cancer away from downfall. Being able to go for a checkup regularly and take cares of health issues in their early stages should be a right for everyone.