Woman Shared Progress Pics Of Her Transition After Taking Hormone Pills For 18 Months
Such an inspiring woman!
Natalie Zamani had been sharing her transition pictures on Reddit intermittently. She’s always feel lost as a boy and finally took her own step to change.
She’s been doing HRT for 20 months now and couldn’t be more excited to welcome more changes in her body.
More info: Reddit | Instagram | Twitter
After a little over a year, she shared her progress on Reddit, where she receives encouragement and praises.

“The result of lots of time and curly hair care! Among a few other things,” Natalie wrote in her post. However, before all these changes, Natalie hated how her body just didn’t feel like where she belongs.
She shared to Boredpanda, “I learned early on that feeling this way was something I had to completely hide, but my girly tendencies still came out in my personality here and there. That changed when I hit my early teen years and the start of puberty, however. I felt disgusted with the changes happening to my body and miserable that I had to endure them helplessly.”
“This is around the time I first learned what it was to be transgender,” said Natalie when recalling her puberty period.

She did her research and learned that there are people who feel the same and transitioned.

While she’s excited about the possibility of changing her gender, she also learned those who made the decision had to live in ‘stealth.’
“Going stealth, as I understood it, often meant people would leave behind their old lives and relationships and start a totally new life far away from them,” Natalie explained.
She initially planned to just take her secret to the grave and live on.

But at the age of 27, Natalie, who is in a relationship, found that the situation has changed: “I had to start living my life.”

She decided to drive to Planned Parenthood and started HRT. She calls this her “most difficult time of my life, hands down.” However, the beautiful support she’s received from her loved ones had helped her so much as she finally found her inner-self.

She couldn’t wait for the pandemic to die down to enjoy life fully as herself!

“I’m so happy I held out through all of the pain and difficulty for this moment,” Natalie proudly said. She’s also thankful for trans women she’s met and saw on media that encouraged her to make the decision.
She recalls that the process was slow, but surely, she started to feel like things are right.

The vinyl collector said that she looked “super awkward” during the first 10 months, but Irene, her girlfriend, and her family were there to love and support her. There were hates, and she also lost some people, but Natalie can confidently say, “It doesn’t bother me anymore.”
A message to the haters: I’m happy, my life is wonderful, and I really hope those people who hate me can find their own peace someday.

Natalie also leaves an encouraging message to those who feel a little lost.
“Transitioning is hard and unpleasant at times for most of us — but I promise you it gets better. If you don’t feel ready to do it yet — don’t force yourself. Start your transition when you feel ready and safe!”
She also shares tips such as watching ‘Disclosure’ on Netflix and looking up resources from HRC. Don’t rush and try to educate yourself more before making the decisions.
Just look at that smile! She deserves it.