Woman Reveal ‘Millennial Poses’ You Need To Stop Doing And Tips To Look Better In Your Pictures
Posing has trends, too!
We’re all beautiful creatures, yes, but we do want to look amazing in our pictures. But as a millennial, unfortunately, our age is catching up with us because you’re probably still doing duck lips. And the teapot pose. Okay, those things were absolutely the best things during their time. But your age is showing if you post them today!
Fear not, Christine Buzan has all the tips and guides you need if you want to keep up with time and make your timeline look gorgeous.
Christine is a posing coach with over 824k followers on TikTok. She makes her platform the place where everyone who wants to look better in their pictures.

“If you’re a millennial, especially an older millennial like I am, I want you to listen up because there are three things that you need to stop doing in pictures. I’m a posing expert, and I help my audience, and my students look their absolute best in front of the camera.”
“And what most people don’t realize is that just like different fashion trends (for instance, skinny jeans and side parts) come in and out of style, posing for pictures is the exact same way. So if you’re posing for pictures, and you’re doing one of these three trends, your pictures are probably looking a little bit dated. So I’m here to help you out.
First is the high camera angle! Remember when it was such a thing for that dramatic effect, and we’d done this for “all of our pictures.”

But here’s the thing, it makes your body look completely distorted because your shoulder looks bigger and your legs look so much smaller than they actually are. And it’s such an oldie way to take a picture that it’ll feel dated and, subsequently, awkward. So try out new poses!
Try new poses, but not the teapot pose, because this is mistake number two as you try to make your arm look smaller.

Christine assures you, “There are many different poses that you can use to do that, that don’t look as fake and as forced. The truth is, this pose is really a relic of our digital camera days when we didn’t have unlimited space and didn’t have a phone with a camera on our hands at all times, so we had to look really good for pictures.”
“There’s nothing more ridiculous than seeing a bunch of women doing this pose all in a row. And it’s like, “Yeah, you’re at a kid’s birthday party, why are you posing like you’re on a red carpet?” Opt for a post that’s more like, natural and relaxed-looking than this.”
Next is the duck lips. “It isn’t cute, it’s very forced, it’s very awkward, and you’d be shocked at how many people are still posting selfies like this on their Instagram. Just don’t.”

Filters are funny and fun on social media, especially on TikTok, for funny skits or content. But not for professional pictures!

“When you’re doing professional pictures, people will notice if you’re using a filter or if you’re face-tuning your face like crazy. Just don’t do it. It looks dated, and you’re great the way you are.”
Three things to avoid in your pictures!
@lookgoodinphotos Here are 3 posing mistakes millennials need to stop making. Let me know if you do any of them! #posingtips #millennialsoftiktok ♬ original sound – CHRISTINE BUZAN | POSING TIPS
Christine reminds people that it’s normal to feel awkward because posing isn’t “natural.” But you can sure practice for enough confidence to not look awkward in them.

But this doesn’t mean you have to follow Christine’s words to the T. She shared, “What may work for one person may not for another. So, it’s really important to find what works best for your body and your personal style of presentation.”
Hence, why she often shares tips, such as how to avoid the double chin or fix mistakes like the high angle shots.
Take your pictures with the lens at collarbone height. And if you’re worried about the double chin, she also has a tip to reduce the double chin.

“Start by pushing your hips backward, then hinge forward slightly at your waist. This will make your head look more proportional.”
“Then push directly towards the camera lens. This will extend your neck, and it will minimize the appearance of your double chin.”

And now is the new teapot pose variation that’ll look more natural.

“Focus on pushing your elbow backward, you still have that bent feeling to it, which I know a lot of people like. This will create space between your body and your arm, but it doesn’t look as forced. Put your thumb in your pocket, then when you bend your elbow, you push it backwards – it gives a much more relaxed look than just posing there with your arm to the side.”

Another way is to rest your hand on your thigh and push your elbow backward. And flip around so your thumb is in the front and your elbow backward.

Another way is to put both hands in your back pocket or do the sippy cup pose!

Hear the full guide below!
@lookgoodinphotos Replying to @adictchick Stop doing the same pose! If you’re a millennial who does the skinny arm in every photo, here are a few different alternative arm poses you can try! #TikTokTaughtMe #TikTokPartner #howtopose #posingtips #millennialsoftiktok ♬ original sound – CHRISTINE BUZAN | POSING TIPS
And finally, the duck lips! One way is by saying “apple” or “prune” and ending it seductively to get the same lips the Olsen twins do.

That perfect amount of space is the new way to do duck lips that isn’t cringe.

And here are three overused, overdone, awkward, cheesy ways to take your group pictures.
@lookgoodinphotos Reply to @_yentruoc_ Here’s 3 millennial posing mistakes to stop doing in group photos. Are you guilty of any of them? #howtopose #millennialsoftiktok #posingtips ♬ original sound – CHRISTINE BUZAN | POSING TIPS
And here are people’s reactions to the posing crash course.