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Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home


Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home

What a great sense of humor.

In expressing her displeasure over a slow government project, one woman decided to throw a party that entailed balloons, guests, a cake, and a photo-shoot. It wasn’t Natalie Harvey’s birthday, but she marked the construction’s birthday on 20th Street Lakeview.

Natalie Harvey marked the one-year birthday of an incomplete construction on 20th Street Lakeview with balloons, guests, a cake, and a photo-shoot.

Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home

The construction is officially a year-old, and it has remained incomplete. Taking to Facebook, Harvey’s post with photos of the unique occasion show the unfinished road and a construction-themed cake. “Happy first birthday to our street construction!” Harvey wrote. 

Harvey’s Facebook post the unique occasion shows the unfinished road and a construction-themed cake.

Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home

She added: “To celebrate, I created a replica of the street scene in cake form: two layers of chocolate sponge with peanut butter frosting.” Harvey claims her street experienced a massive 6-foot deep hole resulting in the road being torn up, including directly in front of her home. 

Harvey claims her street experienced a massive 6-foot deep hole resulting in the road being torn up.

Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home

In an Interview with FOX8, Natalie explained: “Our driveways on my side were blocked for about three months this summer. Now the other side is blocked, so nearly every house on the opposite side of the street from mine has their driveways blocked.”

“Happy first birthday to our street construction!” Harvey wrote.

Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home

Speaking on why the road work took so long, Natalie says it because of the sporadic work schedule. She said: “As an example, they will work every day for a week, then there will 2-3 weeks with nothing. The work has picked up in the last couple of weeks. But you never know when it’s going to stop and when it’s going to start back up again.” However, the post has since gone viral with over 800 shares and positive reactions. 

“Our driveways on my side were blocked for about three months this summer. Now the other side is blocked.”

Woman Celebrates Anniversary Of Incomplete Road Work In Front Of Her Home

“Happy Cake Day Construction Site! Thank you for keeping those workers employed during this pandemic! 10/10 would eat that.” A user, Bill Davis, said. Another, Brian Cornell added: Thank you for the light-hearted complaint. You have style and skill.’ While a third, Mary Marto said: “What a great sense of humor you have! Keep on keeping on!” 

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