WHO Is Telling People To Stay Home And Play Game In The Meanwhile
You’re bored. So, here’s an advice from the WHO.
The lockdown has trap each person to their own home and it’s getting hilariously boring. But fear not, for WHO has officially advised us to play game and launched the tag #PlayApartTogether. Just beware of the throttling that might be put in place to manage internet congestion before you’re hyped for this.
WHO has partnered up with huge game companies’ representatives to keep people following the social distancing recommendation, but by no means isolate oneself from social activities. Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision Blizzard, has signed in for the project.

Kotick said, “It has never been more critical to ensure people stay safely connected to one another. Games are the perfect platform because they connect people through the lens of joy, purpose, and meaning. We are proud to participate in such a worthwhile and necessary initiative.”
And then there is CEO Nicolo Laurent from Riot Games who also encouraged people and said, “Physical distancing shouldn’t mean social isolation!” He also added that playing games are more than just the fun – it’s a pursuit and for now, to save as many lives as possible as we “beat this COVID-19 boss battle together.”

This is a huge surprise, coming from an organization that released a journal on gaming addiction. But with extreme situations that require extreme solutions, the organization has recognized a more pressing issue and is suggesting gaming as a pastime that encourages social distancing.