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Ukraine Celebrates As Putin’s ‘Miracle’ Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands


Ukraine Celebrates As Putin’s ‘Miracle’ Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands

It is a humiliation to the man who dreams of old dreams.

The invasion of Crimea received a setback as the only rail and road link between Russia and Crimea was blown. A huge blast from a fuel train sent the giant bridge into flames as the roadway collapsed.

Ukraine Celebrates As Putin's 'Miracle' Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands
Getty Images

CCTV footage caught sight of when the 12-mile Kerch Bridge was consumed by flames a little after 6 am yesterday.

Ukraine Celebrates As Putin's 'Miracle' Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands
Getty Images

The bridge was built in 2014 after Putin forced his way into Crimea back in 2014 and was preparing for his Ukraine invasion. He called it the “miracle” bridge when the structure was finally open. Russian media had called it an “impregnable” structure, which was the main supply route for their operation in the Kherson region.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) had been accused of conducting a “terrorist attack” on the bridge. But they’ve declined to comment and instead replied with a poem.

Ukraine Celebrates As Putin's 'Miracle' Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands

The poem, which is a rendition of a poem by Taras Shevchenko, read, “It’s dawn/ The bridge burns beautifully/ Nightingale in the Crimea/ Greet SBU.”

Ukraine Celebrates As Putin's 'Miracle' Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky also poked fun at the humiliating destruction and said that while it was a “good and mostly sunny day” in Ukraine, it was “cloudy in Crimea,” Kyiv Independent reported. This was on top of the attack happening on the day after Putin’s 70th birthday.

A stamp was immediately issued by the post office in Ukraine with a picture of the bridge on fire as if marking a milestone in their fight to defend their land. People in Kyiv are also taking photos with the poster of the burning bridge.

Putin has launched an investigation into how they failed to protect the bridge while his Crime stooge head, Sergei Aksyonov, was calming the panicking residents.

Ukraine Celebrates As Putin's 'Miracle' Bridge Blown Apart, Breaking The Link Between Russia And Seized Crimea Lands

Military logistics expert Phillips O’Brien commented after the blow, “If the Kerch bridge railway lines are put out of commission for a significant period, it could be game over for Russian forces in Kherson.”

Ukraine continues to push out Moscow’s armies, with the latest dramatic achievement being an 800-square-kilometer area in the east and the Kharkiv region. Zelensky spoke, “This Russian war… began with Crimea and must end with Crimea – with its liberation.”

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