Two Sisters That Are Dubbed The Most Gorgeous Twins In The World As They Steal Everyone’s Hearts
Most beautiful twins in the world!
Jaqi Clements never imagined that she will be married to a man with whom she will have two of the most gorgeous girls in the world. Ava, Leah and and their older brother proved to become the biggest life changing experiences for Jaqi and Kevin Clements.
Check out how Jaqi talks about the arrival of her two girls, their experience in the modelling world and how they balance work and playing by Green Lemon.
Meet, Ava and Leah Clements, the up and rising twin children model.

The two were born one minute apart with Ava coming first on July 7, 2010. They were actually born almost one month earlier, but Jaqi joked about it, “They came 4 and a half weeks early, but knowing their personalities now it makes total sense that they would show up early, unannounced, and ready to take on anything.”
Doctors and nurses were already praising the beauty of the babies and at 6-month-old, Jaqi tried introducing the kids to the modelling world. But because she had a lot of responsibilities as a parent, she postponed her plan and focused on taking care of the family.

At 7 years old, Jaqi tried to get her girls to the modelling world again.

The two girls were signed to two different agencies!

There were challenges! But Jaqi made sure that her girls finish their schools before they get to work. She makes sure photoshoot sessions are moved to weekends or after school. Jaqi made sure to still give them time to enjoy life as kids by surprising them with dinner with friends in LA where most jobs are taken.
Meanwhile, the twins love their modelling jobs as they get to be the center of attention and trying out all these new clothes. They’ve worked with popular fashion brands like Nike and companies like Disney.

Good DNA runs in this family and you can definitely see how they all possess real beauty! The twins show exquisite beauty that seems like out of this world (although they are really playful kids behind the scene!).
Now, 9-year-old Chase is also an aspiring model who loves basketball.

We wish the family all the best and hope that the twins will continue to love what they are doing. Most importantly, we hope that the family as a whole enjoy this new life-changing experience!