Texas School Shooter’s Grandfather Says Family Had ‘No Idea’ He’d Two Legally Bought AR-15s
He shot his grandma in the head, but she survived and is now in the hospital.
Salvador Ramos’ motive for killing 19 fourth graders and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, remains unclear. The teen had first shot his grandmother in the head at home, then stole her vehicle and drove it to the school, crashing in a ditch before he walked into the classroom and opened fire randomly.

Ramos had only turned 18 on May 16th and allegedly bought two AR-15s with three hundred rounds of gun ammunition.

The guns were from a store in Uvalde, the Oasis Outback, just about a 10-minute drive from his grandmother’s, Celia Martinez, home. The 66-Year-Old had taken Ramos for dinner at Applebee’s to celebrate his birthday, and on Wednesday morning, Rolando Reyes [Celia’s husband] claimed neither of them was aware their grandson had bought the guns.

The teen had gone to live with his grandparents after arguing with his mother about her cutting out the Wi-Fi.

“I didn’t know he had weapons. If I’d have known, I would have reported it.” Rolando, 74, told ABC NEWS. He then revealed Ramos was quiet and would sometimes go to work with him. He added: “Sometimes I’d take him to work with me. Not all the time, but sometimes. This past year he didn’t go to school. He didn’t graduate. You would try to tell him but kids nowadays think they know everything. He was very quiet, he didn’t talk very much.”

When the teen opened fire at the house, a neighbor called Rolando to tell him his wife had been shot, but Ramos had fled in his grandmother’s car by the time he got back to the house.

Sadly, Ramos was shot dead by police, but his grandmother survived despite being shot in the head. Currently, she’s in the hospital. However, it’s found inside the school that one of the weapons used was an $1870 Daniel Defense weapon. According to Daily Dot, the receipt had been posted on Yubo, appearing as though it had been ordered online and then picked up from local Daniel Defense dealers listed in Uvalde.

Source: Dailymail