Teen Mom Who Got Pregnant At 14 Aces Her BTEC Exams
She had gone viral for taking her toddler to prom!
Melissa McCabe has bagged her BTECs. The 16-Year-Old overcame criticism from strangers and pupils at Ridgeway High School in Birkenhead while looking after her child to get her results of three passes in Animal Care, Business, and Travel and Tourism.

“I am really proud of myself and my results,” the 16-Year-Old, who gave birth to son Arthur in November 2020, said.

She added: “When I first realized I was pregnant. I was worried my only choice would be to drop out of school to care for Arthur. I decided to continue with my education, and I’m so happy I did. There’s always going to be a little voice nagging in my head I could’ve done better,”

“But I’ve honestly worked so hard to get to this point.”

McCabe once had a teacher tell her she was never going to make it even before having Arthur, so to prove them wrong feels so amazing for her. As a teen mom, there’re a lot of preconceived stereotypes which come along with the title. McCabe has had adults make snide comments like it’s their taxes paying for her son, and she’s no fit to be a mum.

But McCabe is determined to shake the stigma young and single parents like her face every day.

“I’ve stayed in education to provide for my son and to make a life for the both of us, and I receive very little benefits. Once I start attending college to study health and social care, I plan on getting a part-time job to help me even more. People need to start minding their business, and if they don’t have anything positive, they should keep it to themselves.”

According to DailyMail, McCabe insisted on doing her best to be the best mum and person she could be.

While she sometimes finds it difficult to study and revise while being a mum, McCabe claimed her brother Kyle, 30, and Sister in Law Amy has been helpful. Accordingly, her teachers have been super supportive, aiding her when she falls behind with her studies. She stated: “The most support I’ve had is from people on TikTok.”

McCabe had previously gone viral for taking her toddler son to prom as a date. She said: “My story kind of just blew up on there and I’ve had people messaging me to say how gorgeous he looks and how a great a mum I am. It’s been a wild journey, but I’m super excited to go to college and see what the future has in store for us.”
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