All posts tagged "Karen"
Customers Attempted To Get Waitress Fired To Escape Paying The Bills
December 31, 2021"She starts to fully bawl her eyes out in the restaurant."
Karen Continuously Annoys Neighbors, Shut Down After They Became Her Landlord
December 22, 2021One of our worst nightmares.
HOA Demands Neighborhood Take Down Christmas Lights As It ‘Upsets’ Her
December 16, 2021When you let the Karens into the association.
Angered ‘Karen’ Screams At Woman For Flashing Her Bra While Hanging From Bars In Park
September 17, 2021It was literally no joke.
‘Karen’ Attacks Black Woman In Victoria’s Secret Store, Has A Full Breakdown After Noticing She’s Being Recorded
July 14, 2021A total meltdown inside a Victoria's Secret store.