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Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks


Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks

Know when not to meddle in.

There is just so much one can take before they say, “Yea, nope.” It does feel great to white-knight in an emergency. But this employee decided that this is too much. He wasn’t about to do anything about it, a decision he made in the face of a risk that proves to be way beyond the pay he’s receiving.

In a serious fire incident that broke out inside the Hy-Vee grocery store in Eagan, Minnesota, this man was caught making wise decisions.

With a smile that ridicules this whole situation, the man decided to get away from the dangerous scene.

Sharing the news on Faceboo, Eagan Hy-Vee decided to close the store for 24 hours in order to clean the area and ventilate the smoke out. The incident was caused by a group of teenagers who are now in police custody.

People were praising him to not risk his life where it’s not worth it.

Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks
Store Clerk Walks Away With Calmly Smile From Teens Setting Fire On Fireworks

It’s also important not to deal with a fire that is not normally caused with just water of fire extinguisher. Firefighters know the best way to deal with them without causing more explosions. Workers are also almost always asked to stay away from problems they are not comfortable dealing with to prevent even more injuries.

The lesson: if it’s not worth it, don’t deal with it.

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