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Spain’s Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record


Spain’s Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

“I miss the face I used to have.”

Spain’s most-tattooed woman who almost broke the world record has been going through her face tattoo removal process for a few years now. Even though she was close to claiming her own title with the number of tattoos she had.

Lidia Reyes is a body-confident mom from Barcelona, Spain. Body art has been an addiction of hers that began around 15 years ago.

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

When she started, Lidia couldn’t stop visiting the tattoo parlor to get new designs all the time. It reached the alarming rate of 2-3 times a week despite the studio reminding her to let her skin rest after each session. But tattoo was her way to escape her childhood which was filled with bullying from her peers.

To her, every tattoo has a significant meaning to her, many of them dedicated to her beloved people including her mother and a friend who’s passed away.

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

She’s now taking her time to share the meaning of each of them in a memoir, such as what the numbers 1981 and 1899 mean to her.

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

From tattoos, her obsession with body modification also got her interested to modify her body parts, including splitting her tongue, giving herself pointed elven ears, and even coloring the white of her eyes pink.

She’s made several TV appearances and become a media personality, where she talks about her reasons, how people are inspired by her, and what life is like to be one of the most tattooed persons on earth.

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record
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She’s had her share of haters who think she looks ridiculous and criticized her quality as a person and parent based on the tattoos. But she shared, “Forget about these people, they’re trolls and not worth your attention. I’m sending you all a kiss.”

The haters were trolling her when she started showing the process of removing her face tattoos, but she quickly shut them down with her plans for more.

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

She shared in 2017 that she was seriously considering removing her tattoos, not because she was “coming to her senses,” but because she missed looking at her own reflection in the face.

“I’ve decided to remove my face tattoos because I’m tired of them, not because I don’t like them or think I look ugly; I love face tattoos, that’s why I got them. But I miss the face I used to have.”

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A post shared by Lidia Reyes (@lidiareyesoficial)

It’s easier to think of it like she wants to remove the makeup for now!

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

Her family was never against her tattoos and accepted her as she is. She also shares three children with her husband and her eldest has been showing interest to follow in her mother’s footsteps when she’s older and is even picking her career based on that!

In her process of removing them, she’s kept several subtle ones, but it definitely wasn’t easy to find a specialist willing to work on her.

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record
Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record

But she found one in Sant Boi and now she travels there every 15 days for a tattoo-removal session. The process has been slow, but we can finally start to see the silhouette of the woman behind the face tattoos.

You can’t deny that she looks refreshing with the arts removed – for now!

Now we just can’t wait to see what kind of new tattoos she wants to get in the future!

Spain's Most Tattooed Woman Removes Face Tattoos Just Before Breaking The World Record
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