Photographer Shares Ruined Wedding Pictures By iPhone Users
It’s not like we’re going to print and hang our colleagues’ wedding pictures.
“To the girl with the iPhone…
Not only did you ruin my shot, but you took this moment away from the groom, father of the bride, and the bride.”
With over 161,000 shares, Stanley has made her opinion and disappointment heard – people need to respect ceremonies and be mindful of their surroundings.
Hannah Mbalenhle Stanley is a professional wedding photographer and went to Facebook to vent out her frustration on intruding guests during wedding ceremonies.

With the advancement of technology, more and more people are becoming photographers on their own. We are not even sure why, but some people are just eager to take pictures on ‘important moments’ – even when they won’t be the one to share, print or keep it as their own mementos.
Stanley from Hannah Way Photography posted the post with a picture of the bride walking down the aisle with her father. It’s a truly beautiful and precious moment, but a pair of hands suddenly stuck out from the crowd with an iPhone in grip. The camera was on and this unnamed guest was racing to get a good picture as well.
What seems to be a mindless rant is actually heard by many as there are over 159,000 likes by now. So, did she get a good shot in the end?

Yes, Stanley got her shot after that annoying moment. But she wants this to be heard because on many occasions, you don’t always have dad walking down the aisle slowly to let you get the picture. Photographers snap between 10-30 pictures to make sure they get everything, and especially if something unexpected happens, they want to capture it, but not with a hand with an iPhone sticking out of the crowd!