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People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They’ll Never Do Again


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They’ll Never Do Again

Note to self: do NOT recreate these scenes.

As children, we get the wildest, most original ideas ever that even shock adults. Unfortunately, not all of them were geniuses because there’s a reason why companies have such a long process of shifting and testing new ideas. And as survivors of those horrific ideas, these people tell the story of that one thing they swear an oath to never do again.

A Reddit user asked people, “What is something you did once and never again?” The responses have been truly entertaining so far. Now sit back, scroll on, and laugh or gasp, because these people were pretty wild.


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“I stayed at my sister’s place one night and we for the life of us couldn’t find the vacuum cleaner to blow up the spare mattress. So I hit on the bright idea of using the car exhaust to blow up the mattress.

Back then the car used leaded petrol. As a rule, I sleep with the windows and door closed so I am damn lucky.

Woke up next morning (in hindsight luckily) with the mattress 1/2 flat and the room smoggy. But being low to ground near the door, the draft under it kept me alive (again in hindsight).”


“Mixed milk and orange juice because I thought it would taste like a creamsicle not make me projectile vomit.”No_Chemical_3827


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again
League of Fire

“Carolina Reaper infused gummy bear. I almost called for an ambulance. Legitimately thought I was going to die covered in sweat, sh**, and vomit.”Sure-Iwillbethatguy


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Hungover and zipped my zipper before I was ready.”darrenwise883


“Put pizza wrapped in foil in the microwave when I was 10 thinking it will warm up quicker. It surely did by lighting on fire 3 seconds after I turned it on.”steamedpotatoezz_


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Hiking through jungles. They look so beautiful in movies. In reality, they are some of the most brutal hikes I’ve been on.

Let’s start with the humidity. It’s so bad it drenches you to the bone, and there’s no escaping it. Being under a jungle canopy is like being in a pressure cooker. The heat and humidity beat you down harder than any environment I’ve been in.

Then there are the swarms of biting bugs. From never-ending mosquitoes, giant spiders on everything, ticks jumping on you from everywhere, and colonies of aggressive fire ants crisscrossing the trails, you can expect to have more bug bites than you’ve thought possible to survive.”


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Went to Times Square for New Years’ Eve in New York City. I live in NYC and I figured it was the kinda thing I wanted to see but didn’t need to see again. Went in 2000 when I was 18. Got there at 11 am and stayed for 13 hours in the freezing cold but with close spots to the ball drop and screen. I’m glad I did it. I’m also glad I’ve never done it again.”dubbznyc


“You know that thing you did as a kid when you’d prop yourself up between two objects (like a counter and table) and swing back and forth with your legs? That. Lower jaw in 3 pieces, tongue dangling out through an open wound beneath my chin, no idea how many stitches. Teeth damages (which has already lead to one of my front teeth dying due to damaged nerves).

And to top it all off, this occurred just before we had to perform a bit of theatre for the rest of class, and it has negatively impacted my ability to perform before an audience.

But the scars add some nice character!”


“Not paying attention to currents when swimming in the sea (and going anyway when there’s a red flag and no guard).

Dumbest sh** ever. I was with my two brothers and my father, happily splashing around. Suddenly we turn around and the shore just got very far away. So we start swimming back but the sea is stronger than you. If you stop 5 seconds to catch your breath you lose the progress you did during the last minute, and that’s precious.

I was young so I don’t remember it as a legit life-threatening situation, but my bros and dad still got chills when talking about it.”


“Did heroin for the first time and wasn’t into the sensation at all. The same roommate that talked me into heroin talked me into smoking some crack to even out. Luckily I wasn’t a fan of either and never did either ever again.”BLKWD_


“Removing paint from a table. I still need to finish sanding the thing but that was a nightmare, who paints a table with like 30 coats??”Dtoodle


“I jumped off a roof barefoot when I was a kid, I’ll never do that again.

It was an older house and the roof was low to the ground, so it seemed okay, but my judgment led me astray. I landed on a stone entryway and immediately collapsed to the ground. I had to crawl my way back inside and it was extremely painful. The reason I did this is because the bathroom door jammed shut and I had no way out (old house). Didn’t break anything but my feet were bruised, I’m surprised I didn’t break anything from the hard impact.”


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Assume the green stuff on the sushi tray was avocado…”Cat-aclism


“Spray deodorant on my arse to cover up the smell of my farting… I was 6, once that spray hit my bullet hole, the burning began.”TheNorthernBaron


“This year I tried to use spray deodorant on my head to keep my scalp from sweating… I’m 26. It didn’t work, and it just made my hair grungy and water-resistant. I showered multiple times a day and it still took a week to get back to normal.”boxtort


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Stayed at a bed and breakfast. I’m not social enough to socialize with people during breakfast.”AllDressedKetchup


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Got drunk once with friends under the Ambassador Bridge drinking 120 proof rum from the duty-free shop. Puked my guts out. Can’t stand the smell of rum since and it’s been 53 years!”suespence


“Bath salts. Tried some from a guy who went by “Asian Billy.” I did about enough to cover the head of a framing nail and was pretty much having a panic attack for the next 8 hours. I went to a casino with the other people I was working with and Asian Billy and sat at a blackjack table and just said, “I have no idea what I’m doing, sorry everyone if I mess up your bets.” Everyone was cool and I ended up winning $175.”fungalhost


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“Work a retail job.”13920


People Share 20 Unexpected Things They Swore They'll Never Do Again

“I stole a tester eyeliner from the makeup section at a store when I was 17. The security guy took me aside in a small room and “questioned” me, asked for my information, and to scare me, he said this would always be in my record and companies won’t want to hire me anymore and I burst into tears and had a panic attack. He said he’ll let me off if I pay to double the price of the eyeliner, so I did and he let me go.

Now, I don’t know how much of what he told me was real and if the resolve was legitimate, but if he tried to just scare me into not becoming a serial swiper, it worked.”

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