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Novak Djokovic’s Dad Likened His Son’s Treatment In Australia To Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion


Novak Djokovic’s Dad Likened His Son’s Treatment In Australia To Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion

“Serbia stands by Novak.”

Novak Djokovic has had his Australian Visa revoked after the medical exemption he filed for was deemed invalid. His father likened the treatment he’s received to what Jesus went through when he was crucified.

The world’s number one tennis star is to be deported soon by the Australian Border Force.

Novak Djokovic's Dad Likened His Son's Treatment In Australia To Jesus Christ's Crucifixion
PA Media

During a press conference in Serbia, his father shared he wholeheartedly believes that his 34-year-old son Novak had “met all the required conditions for the entry and participation at the tournament that he would have certainly won.”

“Jesus was crucified and endured many things but is still alive among us. Novak is also crucified… the best sportsman and man in the world. He will endure.”

Novak Djokovic's Dad Likened His Son's Treatment In Australia To Jesus Christ's Crucifixion

“I feel terrible since yesterday, the last 24 hours. They are keeping him like a prisoner. It’s just not fair. It’s not human,” Novak’s mother commented. “I just hope he will be strong as we are trying also to be very strong to give him some energy to keep on going. I hope that he will win.”

His father has also led a protest in the name of his son through the streets of Belgrade. The demonstration continues in front of the parliament.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has also commented on the situation, “What is not fair play is the political witch hunt (being conducted against Djokovic), by everybody including the Australian Prime Minister pretending that the rules apply to all.”

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic of Serbia spoke, “We will try to do our best to make sure Novak is treated equally and gets all the rights that he’s entitled to. That is the only thing I can say.”

“And Serbia stands by Novak. I stand by Novak. All of our people stand by Novak and his family in these difficult times.”

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