New Yorker Cartoonist Creates 30 Clever Comics
Clever yet hilarious comics…
About a decade ago, Will McPhail was a Zoology student, but currently, he’s into drawing for the popularly known ‘The New Yorker Magazine.’
What a remarkable alteration – Science to Art! Adopting the doodling world, McPhail, who was supposed to be exploring the animal kingdom, pursued a cartoonist’s career instead.
Immersing his universe in Edinburgh’s coffee shop and libraries’ wildlife, McPhail analyzed people’s behavior and turned his findings into brilliant and amazing comics.
‘The best I can do for myself is to discover an area that I want to do a cartoon on and accept the stage. Then hop that my sense of humor moonwalks perfectly onto the stage.’ McPhail had told BBC.
McPhail is, however, envisaged to have between eight to ten concepts each week for The New Yorker, an American Magazine founded 94 years ago.
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