Mom Gets ‘Not A Single Present’ After Spending Months Organising Christmas For Her Family
“I know I’m not the only mom.”
Michigan mom Mary Yang shares a sad experience that apparently many people relate to. The mom-of-two shared that she’s, again, waking up to getting no presents for Christmas after spending the whole month planning to get gifts for her husband and two kids.
Mary’s “yearly struggle” apparently resonates with other moms who find themselves in the same situation.

And she’s not at all impressed. The caption of her video reads, “I know I’m not the only mom who woke up Christmas morning with not a single present under the tree for them as you watched your kids and husband unwrap the presents you spent all month stressing over.”
@missmear #ifykyk #christmassuckseveryyear #momlife ♬ for the trans folks only – Aiden • the flamingo
Christmas is a beautiful day for many, a season for giving and sharing love and happiness. Which makes it natural to expect that married couples would use this opportunity to express their love for each other.
But 900k views later, the viral clip found itself too many viewers who relate to her and share how they feel so underappreciated for what they’ve done.

One viewer commented, “Been married 20 years and have yet to get a Christmas gift… it’s the same thing every year “I don’t know what you want”. How about a divorce?”
“This happened to me. It wasn’t that I didn’t get a gift, it’s that no one even noticed I didn’t have a gift,” shared another.
The viral TikTok got her sharing later that the lack of Christmas presents isn’t the only thing – the same thing happens on other special occasions.

She later commented, “It’s a constant struggle we have every year for the past seven years for every special occasion. You would think I would learn my lesson by now.”
“After having kids, I try to just focus on my kids and make it about them,” she continued. “But there’s also certain times when getting something from your husband just makes you feel special, loved, and appreciated.”

She later shared that the past two years have been the hardest for her as she’s lost her parent and experienced a miscarriage.
Some viewers suggested that she buys herself gifts whenever she’s buying some of her family. Another told her to try sending them a list of the things she wants and added, “Everyone happy. And I don’t end up with random stuff I have to return.”
But others pointed out that it’s not the actual items, but the feel of “left out and not important enough to be thought of.”

One told her, “You deserve a partner who sees & validates your worth. And, your children deserve to see what a competent husband looks like.”

“Time to do something extra special just for you without him. Make sure he knows. Life is too short to be treated that way,” wrote another.
Another wrote, “If your husband saw that happen to you and didn’t respond by making you feel like a Queen then maybe he’s not the one.”