Mom Carries Disabled Son On Her Back As She Promises To Take Him To Travel The World
She’s a strong woman and the whole world know that now.
Jimmy Antram is a 26-year-old world traveler. He’s drunk coconut water served by locals in Bali, enjoyed the warmth of sunsets on the shores of foreign countries he might never go back to, and even ski-ing from the snowy slopes in Perisher.
Yet, many could’ve never guessed that he was also a blind man with many disabilities.
Jimmy was born to Niki Antram when she was 17 and for the past 26 years, she’s been fulfilling her promise to take him around the world. Even if it meant carrying him on her back for most of the trip.

Physically, it was challenging as Niki is now 43 and she’s tired out easier.
“Planning big holidays, I always make sure I have plenty of nappies, clothes, and even bed pads, sheets, and pillowcases,” she shared. She refuses to use the wheelchair as it’s more convenient to carry him when she can or help him walk for short distances.
She’s now an avid traveler and always checks her destinations to make sure they can accommodate both of them.
“Even if I know we will be okay I like to inform the companies to give them a heads up about us to make sure they understand and are okay with having us there,” Niki talked about her meticulous planning with DailyMail.
“I have worked out how to piggyback Jimmy while pulling my suitcase and carry on through an airport until they give me a wheelchair we use until we board the plane.”

There are places that would tell her if they cannot accommodate them due to possible risks for Jimmy.
But Niki had a pleasant memory in Hawaii because, despite the same concerns, the people tried to make sure they could enjoy their stay there.
Niki shared that she and both Jimmy love the outdoors and going on adventures.

She shared, “From Hawaii to Bali I’d be staying out all night with Jimmy because he was a party animal like me at the time. I will help Jimmy find ways to get him the best and most adventurous life, and most of the time, it’s the simplest things that he loves the most.”
The mom who was originally from Perth, Australia, now lives with Jimmy in a trailer on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.
Their neighbors are familiar with the two of them, who often take rides around the coast when they’re not out traveling. Niki also maintains her figure and stamina by working out every day with Jimmy often tagging along with her.
Niki didn’t know Jimmy was blind until he was two months old and it was his grandma that first noticed the unusual behaviors.

It wasn’t easy to come to terms with the fact that his son won’t be able to see the world as she does for the rest of his life.

Jimmy rarely focuses on the toys he was playing with or the dangling decorations.

At eight months old, Jimmy was diagnosed with epilepsy, but with strict medications at the time, he now manages to get by without any seizures or meds.

Niki calls Jimmy her “inspiration.”
“I see him… He’s always happy, smiling… He doesn’t see me in a conventional way, but I’m sure he has a vision of what I look like in his mind.”
Jimmy has favorite words! They are ‘Yay’ and ‘Oww.’

Niki often repeats words to help Jimmy remember them and currently, he loves saying ‘oww’ to express his displeasure. Niki shared, “He knows he needs to get his teeth brushed, which he hates. He will say ”oww”, then I hold his mouth open, he complains and allows me to brush his teeth… but then he’s very happy because he finally gets to go to sleep.”
Niki admitted that being a teen mum wasn’t easy. She shared, “Being a mum so young, I didn’t get that carefree life that most 17-year-old’s get. I had responsibility.”
The two’s plan to explore Canada has been put on hold since the borders are closed.

It hasn’t been easy saving up for their travel expenditures with the shifts she has and the pension money as Jimmy’s carer.
So they started exploring more of Australia! It wasn’t easy, but Niki is now living the dreams from those lost teen years with Jimmy.
Where would they go next?