Meet The Hot UPS Man Who Reveals He’s Asked Out Ten Times Daily On His Route
He’s really an attraction!
A former model, Anthony Lupi is presently taking over the New York City by storm for his charming looks. Revealing he got asked out ten times daily on his route, Anthony, who is from Long Island stands at 6fts 2 and has been working for UPS for about 5 years now.
UPS delivery man Anthony Lupi, 28, reveals receives up to 10 date invitations a day on his daily Soho route

Also acknowledging he appreciate and love his job, Lupi explained he ran into trouble when he’s switched from his five-block route in downtown Manhattan.
“We want Lupi and no other person. Not only is Lupi super cute and charming, but goes extra miles,’ a client who owns a gallery on West Broadway told the New York Post.
The former model from Long Island stands 6ft 2 and has worked for UPS for five years

“Yes, he’s so good with the asset for UPS,’ Christine Smith, a saleswoman at the Dsquared2 on Spring Street also stated.
Lupi reveals he delivers about 250 to 300 packages daily but is entertained along his busy route by the hosts of women competing for his attention.
Lupi reveals he delivers about 250 to 300 packages daily but is entertained by the hosts of women

“People love my uniform and I also get a lot of packages. Once, a 98-year-old woman had asked me out on a date and she was like “You are such a handsome man, I wish there were more like you when I was young.” Lupi said.
Unluckily for the flirt clients, Lupi respectfully turned down their requests because he has a serious girl he has been dating for eight years.
Unluckily for the flirt clients, Lupi respectfully turned down their requests because he has a serious relationship

‘I am very flattered, but I have to keep on moving.’ Lupi added.
UPS Spokesman, Dan McMackin, who spoke about Lupi revealed he equally gets several calls every year from Lupi’s army of toasters. “I get many calls every year exactly like this,” Dan said.
‘I’ve gotten calls in the middle of the night asking if a package has arrived, but I don’t mind, it’s important that people can depend on me’

Nevertheless, Lupi’s protocol entails introducing himself by name before handing out his mobile number to clients in order to assure if they’ve received their packages.