Man Reveals His True Self After Being Called A ‘Dirty Biker’ By An Insolent Woman
Never judge a book by its cover!
Luc Perreault, a proud father, and a biker is a tattoo sported, beer-drinking motorcyclist who looks partly terrifying. Luc himself has often admitted that he looks like the type of person that would eat up anyone that dares to stare at him wrongly. Nonetheless, it would quite unfair to judge a book by how its cover looks.
Luc went out test-driving his mother’s motorcycle in July 2013 and decided to chill out at Tim Horton’s restaurant somewhere in Canada. Since Lac has developed a very captivating look for himself, he was quickly spotted out by a little girl who was standing by her mother just moments after he pulled into the parking lot.
The little girl, instead of being scared of Luc’s huge and fierce look, she was simply admiring him with a smile and calmly said hi. Luc promptly responded hello to the little damsel. But the girl’s mother who obviously sees Luc from an entirely different perspective suddenly grabbed the little girl by the hand.
While they hurried off, Luc could hear the mother muttering words like it’s not right to talk to people like this so “we don’t talk to dirty bikers”
Luc later took to Facebook to note down his displeasure with the girl’s mother, who, according to him, was judging him wrongly simply because of the way he looked. This has since its occurrence gone viral on social media.
Luc Perreault, a father, and biker penned down an open letter on Facebook which has gone viral since then

“To the household in a red SUV at Horton’s restaurant today”

Luc calls himself a big 280lbs motorcyclist with lots of tattoos. A welder and a beer drinker who looks like the type of guy that would eat you up for staring wrongly.

Luc revealed that he has been married and a proud father for over 11 years. He also stated that he is a college graduate and not just some random illiterate guy. He reveals how happy he has been with his daughter

Luc revealed how helpful he has been to many people that knew him and how emotional he got over Armageddon

This means next time Luc says hi to your little girl, you don’t just write him off with your reactions.

Conclusively, Luc finally wrote that even though he felt hurt by the tag “dirty biker, if he sees the woman’s on fire, he would still be the first to run in there for the rescue.