Italian Flight Attendants Strip To Underwear To Protest Poor Working Conditions
Even the ones hired don’t have it easier.
Alitalia has finally gone bankrupt and flew their last flight on October 14. The company previously employed over 10,000 people.
A protest consisting of 50 former employees from the company took place at the square of Capitoline Hill, Central Rome.
ABC News reported that several of Alitalia’s flights were taken over by a new airline, ITA. However, it has only taken in less than 3,000 of Alitalia’s employees, leaving around 7,000 of them scrambling in search for a job.
Even those taken in by the new company are getting much less pay than their former company. About 50 people who remained unemployed took their protest on Rome’s Capitoline Hill. They wore their full attendant suit on the hill, complete with their bags, before they started stripping down.

They took off everything from their hair ties, their lipstick down to only their undergarments were left.

“We are Alitalia!” the flight attendants shouted. The protest from the flight attendants was to request that government extend unemployment support up to five years.
ITA claims that slimming down their work fleet, operating smaller fleets, and working their way up to adding more destinations will give them an advantage against low-budget airlines as they offer better services in return.