Homeless Dad Says He Cries Every Night In Tiny Car As He Celebrated Christmas All Alone
He has endured freezing temperatures and a lack of food while not even being able to lie down.
As other families are tucking into a turkey dinner for Christmas, Shane Blackwell claimed he’s been parked at the side of the road, hoping for any meal he can get his hands on. Birmingham Live reported that the ex-chef also cries himself to sleep every night in the back of his car, which is too small for him to even lie down in.
“I am gutted, I’m not gonna be a man about it. I cry every night,” the 39-year-old admitted.

He added: “It’s a bit horrible.” I can’t lie down in it. If I was to sleep, I’d be sitting up but I do struggle to sleep quite a lot. “I’ve been getting sleeping tablets, but they’ve not been helping.” Shane moved to his motor ten weeks ago when his relationship broke down, and, in his area, he had no other relationships.
So far, he’s faced cramped conditions and freezing temperatures, with the mercury dipping as low as -7C.

“I’ve managed to survive in -7C, which is the coldest it’s been.” I’m still okay, I’m not ill, which is surprising. “I’ve kept the car running as much as possible, but I don’t know how much longer I can do it,” Shane alleged, revealing that he spent Christmas in his car as there was no choice about it. It was weird, and normally he would have had his son around, but because of the situation, he couldn’t.
Shane was fortunate to receive assistance from the Salma Food Bank in Smethwick at Christmas and has since been able to eat.

He continued: “I’m speaking to the council, trying to get some benefits. I don’t get any benefits, and if I do, it’s not going to be until January 18. I’m not classified as a priority, no matter what council I go to. “When I got some money from work, I spent it on some bits for the car and putting fuel in, and that’s all I could afford.”
Shane has signed up for Universal Credit and he’s also got friends willing to help him out. “I’ve got friends who want to help me but I’m too proud of myself. They have families, I don’t want to be part of them thinking ‘oh my god, we’ve got to have here and all of that, even though they probably wouldn’t think that. But that’s my way of thinking.”
In order not to inconvenience anyone, Shane says he’s got space in his car, and that’s how it will be until he can get some help.