Girlfriend Secretly Draws Her Daily Life With Boyfriend In 30 Funny Comics
The best memories are the little ones.
Little moments of love featured in Artist Catana Chetwynd’s comics titled: “Catana Comics” will appear familiar to anyone in a serious relationship. Chetwynd has taking captivating moments from daily life with her bearded fiancé John and illustrating them. Living in Saratoga Springs, New York, the pair’s dog, Murphy, recently started making appearances in the comics too.
In December 2020, John popped the question to Chetwynd during a holiday gateway. This moment was illustrated, and it undeniably felt so heartwarming. Initially, John had encouraged Chetwynd to create a comic about their relationship. She drew a few for fun but never posted them online. John ended up sharing some of the comics in 2016, and instantly it took off.


Chetwynd’s inspiration mainly comes from her relationship, but a few emerge from conservations with friends and watching other people. Being in a relationship requires balancing lifestyles, including hobbies and personal friends. John and Chetwynd have perfectly achieved this and have even become an inspiration for many lovers across worldwide. We’ve gathered Chetwynd’s newest, and they’re sure to make you fall in love if you haven’t. Have a look and enjoy!
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