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Ex-Navy Officer Invents Electric Car Battery That Can Travel 1,500 Miles Without Charging

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Ex-Navy Officer Invents Electric Car Battery That Can Travel 1,500 Miles Without Charging

Is it possible to run your environmental-friendly car up to 1,500 miles at once without charging?

Trevor Jackson was a Royal Navy officer, but just recently, he signed a multi-billion pounds worth deal to build a battery for electric cars that allow them to run for 1,500 miles straight without charging. The officer-turned-inventor is about to up the capacity of electric cars to 4 times of the average size!

Ex-Navy Officer Invents Electric Car Battery That Can Travel 1,500 Miles Without Charging

This battery is not only higher in capacity, but is revolutionary more powerful that it can power buses and even aircraft. It is cheaper to produce and more environmentally safe to dispose of.

Essex-based engineering firm Austin Electric will be using the batteries in their vehicles next year. Chief of Austin Electric, Danny Corcoran, calls this invention a ‘game-changer’. Corcoran says, “It can help trigger the next industrial revolution. The advantages over traditional electric vehicle batteries are enormous.”

Ex-Navy Officer Invents Electric Car Battery That Can Travel 1,500 Miles Without Charging

Jackson also claimed that manufacturers actually lobbied Foreign Office to keep him out from important prestigious conference in Europe attended by businesses based in Europe and government members to sign a deal for cars to be electric by 2040. Two universities have validated his technology and he’s been granted £108,000 for his research.

Jackson begun his research 10 years ago, but had to battle major investors and businessmen who saw the lucrative business without his invention. It’s similar to Dyson who was seen as a problem for people that earn from dust bags.

“I know we are battling ferocious vested interests but the technological and environmental advantages of aluminium-air are overwhelming – and Britain has a chance to become the world leader in it,” says Jackson.

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