‘Bearded Woman’ Hashtag Is Trending On Instagram As The Next Normalize-The-Natural Movement
The bearded ladies rule the world!
Is having a beard weird for a woman? Let’s go back to years ago when people used to ask if having your ear pierced weird for a guy. The standard of beauty and what’s deemed as normal for both genders are changing. Because it’s never right to look down on people for what they are.
Facial hair is typically something that women avoid having at all costs. Because facial hair is masculine, it’s weird, unkempt, etc. People have a whole bunch of reasons to hate on natural hair that grows on our bodies. Can you imagine what life was like before shaving tools were invented if women had facial hair on them?
Armpit, legs, and now beard – Instagram has started another unusual trend.

The trend has women all over the world share from small patches to long-grown beard.

Oh, no, they’re not necessarily masculine in any way – it’s just taking a time in the day to embrace your natural self!

This trend on Instagram can be found using the hashtag #BeardedLady.

What causes beards to grow? This extra hair is usual caused by high level of androgens, which is testosterone level.

Women usually deal with them through shaving, threading, or lasering for a more permanent result.

But really, don’t let societal pressure make you do it. You should grow them – or not! – because you want to!