Aunt Of California Teen Found Dead Reveals She Experimented With Drugs Before Bolting
“Trinity was a child who decided to be an idiot.”
Trinity Backus who was found dead in Northern California last week was revealed to have dabbled in drugs before she went missing and was found dead. Her aunt spoke of her last moments before she bolted out of the house.
Ashley Bjorklund revealed that she did “acid” with a friend who was having a stayover on Wednesday.

She spoke with The Post, “Maybe [around] 9:50 [or] 10:00, Trinity comes to our back door, opens it and starts yelling. She says, ‘you guys need to get out of the house, it’s gonna blow.”
Bjorklund and her boyfriend, Logan, immediately thought she meant that the house was on fire as they had an open fireplace. She recalled, “I went out there and looked, but there was nothing wrong — the fire’s fine, the house is fine. And Trinity’s yelling, ‘everybody get outside, there’s radiation, I can see the radiation.'”

The group who figured something was wrong with her immediately suspected the friend who was staying over, Hannah. They called the police and found out that they’d “done acid.” She added, “Hannah told us they had taken two hits each of acid.”
But she had her doubts, “I’m 34 years old. I can tell if somebody’s high out of their gourd — she wasn’t high out of her gourd.”

Hannah admitted that after she went back to bed, she and Trinity went on to smoke a bong. And that was when an “episode” was triggered.

She added, “We don’t even know if what she actually took was acid. There’s so much crap out on the streets these days. I don’t know how she died. I don’t know if she died of an overdose — I don’t know. She took her clothes off right before she passed away — I don’t know if she had hypothermia.”
“We were screaming all over this mountain all night long,” she recalled the night.
The aunt continued, “Trinity wasn’t a druggie. Trinity was a child who decided to be an idiot and experiment and not freaking talk to us about it.”