Artist’s 30 Twisted Comics About Silly Things That Happen To Most Of Us
A breathe of fresh air for funny comics.
When it comes to original, funny comics, not a lot of artists are doing that. Fazry Maulana, an Indonesian artist, loves making comics in his spare time. The artist still has about 7.4k followers on Instagram, but his comics really has such a refreshing style!
Some are taken from personal experience and observations, but are absolutely ridiculous as they are ‘drawn out of thin air’. Plus people really love it when they’re relatable to a lot of the readers. We hope you love this selection and head over to his Instagram page for his newest comics!
More info: Instagram
His real singing skills.

Air freshener.

The real monster.

Why even bother?

Well, wake me up when it’s 2021.

Children of Thanos.

The noise.



Life stops running when it’s gone.

Mission Impossible.

Wait a second…

How she shines.

That one friend.

It’s a WAR.

Instagram jokes.

Grandmas are really special.

There’s a hair in my food.

The noodle… has beautiful eyes.

How can such human being exist…?

Ah, what a beautiful da- ACHOO.


These darn flies.

Finding a pattern.

It’s been a while.


Nastar (pineapple tart).

The 5-minute rule.

He needs a vacation from his vacation now.

You can’t escape!