Artist’s 30 Hilarious Comics Depict Culture Differences Between Different Countries
Since we can’t travel now…
Most of us haven’t traveled for the past year because of the travel ban. Unless we have to, we really should refrain from spending hours in enclosed space like the plane, train, or bus. But we can definitely tell that some of you are just itching to be able to get out there again.
These comics are definitely the perfect pastime if traveling is your favorite thing to do. Malachi Ray Rempen is an artist whose genre is niche compared to most artists out there. He pours out his love of traveling and experience as an ex-pat into “Itchy Feet Comic.”
He tackles mostly language learning and the culture of different countries. He aims to create something that makes people feel very relatable, regardless of where they are from. His cultural references are also pretty on the spot because of how many natives agree with him.
We hope his comics can cure your sickness for not traveling for the longest time now!
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