Artist’s 11 Dark Stories That Draw What’s Wrong With This World
Such beautiful stories, told in drawings that don’t need words to explain.
Ademar Vieira had just recently gone viral with his latest comics titled ‘The Choice.’ This time, we want to move the spotlight to more of his comics, mainly focusing on this world’s issues. Everyone has different ways of addressing them, some pouring their thoughts into songs or speeches.
Ademar uses his drawing comics skills, delivering one touching story after another, all done without a single dialogue box. Unlike ‘The Choice,’ some of these comics put different lives into the spotlight, highlighting the discrepancy between families whose financial situation is vastly different. As a screenwriter, it simply means that he’s trained in the art of storytelling.
The Theater

Ademar only began to explore drawing comics earlier this year before the pandemic hits. It was well-received by the people, and he enjoys the activity as it allows him to vent. But soon after feeling better from it, the pandemic let to lockdown, giving him more time and opportunities to explore other issues. Afterward, he’ll also make comics on those topics.
Don’t forget your box of tissue as you scroll on to read the comics.
More info: Instagram


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