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Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single


Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single

Living single – boring or fun-filled?

An artist based in Mexico – Idalia Candelas, illustrates women who are satisfied with being alone.

Her ‘Postmodern Loneliness’ series majorly celebrates being single. She uses pencil, paint, and watercolor for her drawings.

In particular, Candelas revealed that her time living alone in Mexico inspired her. ‘In my drawings, the theme of isolation has been recurring.’

‘I like showing women who live in isolation but don’t suffer. They don’t cry or get sad. Rather [they] are free, exalting in the sense of just enjoying themselves in the company.’ Candelas told Mic.

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Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single
Artist Perfectly Draws The Fun Of Living Single

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