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Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations

If our positions were reversed, how would we feel?

Humans are the only intelligent species capable of creating a modern society and advancing in many fields. Some animals have been observed able to craft and utilize tools from nature. But none have ever been observed to have similar abilities as humans do.

Human beings have been feeling comfortable with everything around them: the technology, protected borders, and when it comes to nature, for standing on top of the hierarchy. But they are not free of the sins of abusing that power. Barbara Daniels, a comic artist, wants to bring this into the spotlight to remind people how horrid animal abuse is.

Trigger warning as some of these illustrations do look creepy, but perhaps, that’s also the whole point.

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Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations


Artist Draws The Reverse Role Of Humans & Animals In 30 Satirical Illustrations

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