Artist Draws 33 Reminders For Women About What’s Wrong With Society
Stupid beauty standards that won’t make anyone happier.
It’s not easy to grow up in a society that is just jam-packed with all these notions about what women should be like. It was as if they have a whole slideshow on what defines a ‘woman’ from how they look and act to the things they love.
Some women love to work out, some love to eat. That’s what being unique means for everyone. Some women don’t like pink; some adore ‘Hello Kitty’ to death. Illustrator Akansha Choudhury decided to bring this topic in her illustrations, imparting a huge reminder for women that their worth is more than the gap of their thigh or their hip size.
There’s nothing you can do to make everyone like you. So remember to be YOU whatever they say as long as it’s healthy. They should be the ones ashamed for making such discriminatory insults towards one’s appearance!
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“No thigh gap and yet happy.”

“We are all born with different bodies and we must be taught to embrace our bodies rather than hating them.”

“Hair doesn’t dictate a specific gender. Short hair or long hair is genderless.”

“You are allowed to feel sexy and feminine no matter what society says.”

“We may have preconceived ideas about what exercise entails, but chances are you’re limiting yourself!”

“It’s like I can’t be all of those things at once. I’m a human being.”

“If I could step out of my body and see myself from another view, would I recognise me?
Would I see everything that I think is wrong?”

“You are perfect just the way you are. We are not made to fit into Clothes. Clothes are made to fit us.

“Remember that society cannot control you. The more you free yourself from the burden of what others put on you and care less, the happier we can be.”

“Christmas alone or with someone can either ways be memorable and sometimes being all by yourself is all you need.”

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)”

“Let’s talk about breasts. They come in all shapes and sizes and they all are beautiful.”

“It might be really easy for us to say stay positive and think positive, but it might be really hard for a person to contemplate in this regard.”

“When you start working out for yourself because you truly love your body; that’s when you are giving in your 100%.”

“Let’s stop commenting on bodies!”

“If they can’t handle you in a bigger pant or dress, they’re not for you.”

“Stop asking people with vitiligo, acne, rosacea to wear foundation or concealer in their makeup. Your body, your choice – always remember that.”

“Sometimes all your body asks you is for a break. You are not a commodity. You are a person. You are way more important than what you create.”

“This isn’t any act of bravery. It’s just you living in your body.”

“You might be a bit anxious and nervous at first but never stop yourself.”

“We can hate our bodies easily but our bodies don’t give up so easily on us. Our bodies do so much for us everyday.”

“Obsessing about how they look and ignoring it’s needs, is very disrespectful. Wanting to lose weight is a personal choice.”

“Remember this, you don’t need to feel angry or frustrated when other people make mean comments. Just give back a simple answer or tell them to stop.”

“Your body looks different from different angles, that shouldn’t make you hate parts of yourself. Your body deserves love and movement.”

“Be vulnerable enough to accept your flaws and you got to know that they are what make you human and real.”

“It’s your choice, you love it, you wear, it girl.”

“We often compare ourselves to the pics we see on social media. What we don’t realize is that we are tricked.”

“We got to remember that we all come in different shapes and size.”

“Hip dips are not a sign of being healthy, unhealthy, overweight or underweight. None of it defines who you truly are.”

“Pick a dress that makes you happy and just wear it. That’s all you need to do.”