Archie Battersbee’s Mom Says She Might Resort To Mouth-To-Mouth If Her Son Is Denied Oxygen
The family awaits to find out if they can move the 12-Year-Old to a hospice.
Yet again, Hollie Dance and other supporters have today gone in front of Mrs. Justice Theis to ask for the court one last time to intervene in the case of Archie Battersbee, as well as applying to allow the 12-Year-Old to be transferred to a hospice. Lawyers for the family also applied for palliative oxygen to be given to Archie if and when life-support is removed.

And if the appeal for palliative oxygen is denied, Hollie – according to the Christian Legal Centre has said she’s prepared to do mouth-to-mouth to try and give him oxygen. Accordingly, Hollie admitted a dignified passing at a hospice was all she had left to fight for.

“If Archie is denied oxygen, if and when life-support is removed, I will continue to give him oxygen,” Hollie said in a statement.

She added: “I pray that the High Court will do the right thing. If they refuse permission for us to take him to a hospice and for him to receive palliative oxygen, it will simply be inhumane and nothing about Archie’s “dignity” The whole system has been stacked against us.”

“Reform must now come through Charlie’s Law so that no parents have to go through this. We will fight to the end for Archie’s right to live.”

When asked what today would be like, Hollie reportedly grew tearful and said it would be awful. She admitted to waking up absolutely sick to her stomach and feels the hospital, Royal London, has so much to answer for and that she doesn’t know what else to say. The Barts Health NHS Trust had told Hollie and her family that it would remove mechanical intervention at 11 a.m. today.

Also, the hospital said it would stop Archie from leaving the hospital as his condition is unstable to be moved.

However, Hollie’s words come after she described the rejection of her bid as another heart-breaking development. As of Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights refused an 11th-hour application to continue treatment, stating the appeal was inadmissible. The court added it would grant such requests only on an exceptional basis when the applicants would otherwise face a real risk of irreversible harm.